What you eat and drink during the day really makes up your diet. To put it another way, a healthy diet is one that preserves and enhances our bodies' general "health." Both macronutrients and micronutrients that the body needs are supplied by this diet. They usually consist of a range of foods from all the food groups, such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, protein, and healthy fats. It is best to find out how many calories are appropriate for you before making any diet plans. It is necessary to know whether the diet you are using is nutritionally balanced or not and What is the duration of the diet. Enough vitamins and minerals should be included in a healthy diet. If you consume fewer than 1200 calories per day, consider incorporating pills and food supplements into your diet. We look closely at the different types of diets in the articles in this section. In other categories, such as Skin, Hair, Haircut, Hair style, Hair dye, Nail art, Makeup, Eye makeup, Lip makeup, Base makeup, Botox, Filler, Microneedling, Nutrition (diet), Supplements and Vitamins, Wellness, Fitness, Sleep, Sexual Health, and Mental Health, you can read more articles about beauty and intellectual, physical, mental, and sexual health.